you to Gene Murray for the countless hours spent planning the fun day -
he was even able to hold the bad weather off - amazing!
hope Northside players and families enjoyed the skills challenge, the
sponsor tents, the dunk tank and games. We appreciate all the families
who stayed to cheer on the teams in the championship games!
We want to thank the many Board members, coaches, parents and volunteers who made the day possible, especially:
- Chris Guyton, Tim Alther, Eric Lane, Robbie Armstrong, and Eric Byers for helping coordinate the Skills Challenge
- Cheryl LaRosa for coordinating the many volunteers
- James Gentry and Shana Kirby for providing their personal generator to keep the bouncy houses bouncy
- Travis Bingler for mcing the Minor and Major Championship Games
- Alice Riccabona for mcing Jr. Rookie/Rookie Championship Games
- Kate Jones for jumping in to man the Silent Auction Tent
- Gene Murray's family who pitched in anyplace they were needed
- All our concession volunteers and especially the concessions coordinator, Kim Grover
- Our sponsors who supported this event, see the full list here
- Our vendors who braved the heat and sun