Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Congratulations to our Fall 2017 Tournament Team Players

8U Tournament Team
Head Coach Darian Cochran
Logan Brodhead Nash Hassan
Chase Cathey Jonny Jones
Brayden Cochran Kase Kirkeide
Alex Elhart Payton Porter
Christophe Escobar Ethan Whiteman
Owen Haas
10U Tournament Team
Head Coach Steve Yow
Emma Bingler Gavin Halliday
Mandela Browman Greye Hodkinson
Carter Coleman Isaac Jennings
Gavin Dietrich Carter Mullins
Aiden Ding Owen Sexton
Liam Frazier  Will Yow
11U Tournament Team
Head Coach Chris Guyton
Jet Chang Teddy Matthews
Zach Constantino Will Owens
Urjit Dighe Ian Riisager
Sam Guyton Jaylen Thomas
Joseph Jones Thomas Underwood
Jake Lucas
 13U Tournament Team
Head Coach Clinton Hensley
Jacob Altman Jin Oishi
Soren ArbelaezAidan Peters
Ben Baumgartner Jake Solak
Preston Burton Andrew Wiles
Teddy Cross Beckett Yates
Nathan Gragg
Dylan Hensley
Matthew Huntley

 14U Tournament Team
Head Coach Jimmie Mills
Aaron Argo  Jacob Hensley 
Jason Breen  Marek Houston 
TJ Brooks  Ethan Kelly 
Luke Craytor   Aiden Larosa
Trey Deane  Robbie Power
  Alex Duval  Ivan Rabinowitz
 Gordon Duval Adam Shantz 
 Corey Helmick  Will Townsend

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Dick's Sporting Goods Northside Appreciation Day, August 19th

On Saturday, August 19, 2017 from 11:00am - 4:00pm the Charlottesville, Rio Hill Shopping Center, Dick’s Sporting Goods store location will be hosting its annual appreciation discount day to assist families and players with preparing for the upcoming baseball season.
Any Northside Cal Ripken participant can bring in the appreciation day flyer (download here) to receive 20% off your purchase (some exclusions apply) on Saturday, August 19th.  This is a great opportunity to not only get your baseball gear but to also take care of any other purchasing needs you may have!   
If you are unable to make it to the appreciation day event please remember that you can click this link - Northside Cal Ripken 2017 DSG Coupon - to print out your Team Packet baseball coupon sheet, which is good for discounts off your baseball purchases (as listed on the coupon) all season long.  You will not be able to use the baseball team packet coupon in addition to the appreciation day coupon on the appreciation day. 
Northside Cal Ripken families should print off the appreciation day flyer and bring it with them to the Charlottesville, Rio Hill Shopping Center, Dick’s Sporting Goods store on Saturday, August 19th, 2017 from 11:00am – 4:00pm in order to take advantage of the 20% off.  If you are unable to make it during those times, Dick’s Sporting Goods will still honor the discount all day long and will also honor the coupon at the other Charlottesville location at 5th Street Station. 
You can also stop by the Northside Cal Ripken table to register to win gift certificates to Dick’s Sporting Goods!
We hope to see you there!