ImPACT Baseline concussion testing by ACAC
If your child sustains a concussion, an ImPACT® BASELINE
NEUROCOGNITIVE ASSESSMENT can be a true 'game-changer.' Physical
Therapy@acac is an exclusive provider in our area of
nationally-recognized and physician-endorsed ImPACT® concussion
pre-assessments and testing. PT@acac is honored to partner with Northside Cal Ripken Baseball on our next ImPACT® screening session!
- Saturday, May 16 from 12-2pm at Physical Therapy@acac's Albemarle Square Clinic, 504 Albemarle Square 22901
- For ages 10 and up
- Email to schedule your appointment
$40 (special pricing for Northside participants, good for all 2015 testing dates)
ImPACT® assessment fee includes:
• Baseline assessment that can help your child’s physician provide better diagnosis and treatment in case of concussion
• Post-Concussion testing if your child sustains a concussion
• Assessment & any Post-Concussion results faxed or emailed directly to your child’s physician
• Printout of baseline assessment results for your records or for you to present to your child’s physician
For more information and other ImPACT testing dates, see the flyer.