Attention Northside Families! Player evaluations for Jr Rookie, Rookie, Minor and Major divisions will be held this Sunday. Evaluations are MANDATORY
for any child playing in any of these divisions. In years past, we've
scheduled for outdoors and then scrambled to move inside when the
weather failed us. This year, we've planned for the opposite and are
still hoping for favorable weather. We have TWO plans to cover both
scenarios, and will be keeping a careful eye on the weather
and forecast. We hope to have a final decision by this Wednesday,
February 24th. Here are the two contingencies so you can start to plan.
the current forecast holds and we have sunny weather, with temps in the
50 degree range, we will hold evaluations out on the fields at
Hollymead from 10am-3pm.
10am-1130: Majors
1130-1pm - Minors
1-2pm - Jr. Rookie
2-3pm - Rookie
1130-1pm - Minors
1-2pm - Jr. Rookie
2-3pm - Rookie
the weather forecast for 28 Feb should change, and it is too cold or
wet outside, we will be holding evaluations indoors at the Sutherland
Gym from 3-8pm.
3-4pm - Rookie
4-5pm - Jr. Rookie
5-630pm - Minors
630-8pm - Majors
4-5pm - Jr. Rookie
5-630pm - Minors
630-8pm - Majors
More detailed information will be available later this week. See you Sunday!