Thank you to all players and families who participated in the "Line Drives for Lights" Fundraiser. We are happy to announce that we exceeded our goal!! Our players raised an amazing $16,638. Their efforts coupled with the previously announced $10,000 gift by a generous Northside Family has us over $25,000. This is an important milestone as we move into the next phase of fundraising for our Lights Project.
were some extraordinary individual and team performances. Please take a
moment to review the list. We will be sending out gift
cards/certificates to the winners in the next couple of days. For
players who selected prizes on Sunday, the RGA order will be placed this week and we will inform you when your order is ready for pick-up.
Top Individuals
- Luke Riccabona - Minor Mets - $1.560 (Tom Sox Prize Package)
- Gannon Murray - Major Red Sox - $965 (Nationals Prize Package)
- Brooks Cox - Major Cubs - $865 (Snack Shack For A Year)
- Maxwell Major - Major Red Sox - $800 (UVA Baseball Camp)
- Will Townsend - Major Indians - $800 (Snack Shack For A Year)
Top Individuals - Division ($25 Dicks Gift Card)
- Ryan Jones - Major Red Sox - $715
- Andy Pham - Minor A's - $665
- Gavin Halliday - Rookie Nationals - $470
- Charles Brodhead - Jr. Rookie Mets - $201
Top Teams - Division (Pizza Party)
- Major Red Sox - $3,695
- Minor Mets - $1,995
- Rookie Nationals - $545
- Jr. Rookie Red Sox - $386
2nd Chance Raffle Winners (all players who raised at least $25 were entered into a raffle for additional prizes)
- Jason Breen - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Jacob Camarata - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Adam Schantz - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Noah Grevious - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Gavin Halliday - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Charlie Snearer - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Brayden King - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Andrew Jennings - Baseball Company - 1 hour training session
- Jacob Altman - TEAMS - 1 hour training session
- Sam Guyton - TEAMS - 1 hour training session
- Brady Jackson - TEAMS - 1 hour training session
- Gaines Ballard - TEAMS - 1/2 hour training session
- Charles Brodhead - TEAMS - 1/2 hour training session
- Quinn Duncan - TEAMS - 1/2 hour training session
- Joshua Browning - Dugout Hitting Bash Pass
- Aiden Ding - Dugout Hitting Bash Pass
- Margaret Ann-Grave - Dugout Hitting Bash Pass
- Jack Libengood - Dugout Hitting Bash Pass