Friday, April 13, 2018
Committee Members Needed
Do you like the improvements that the Board has approved and financed
over the years? How about lights on Carson Raymond Field, new portable
mound, bats for all Cal Ripken Teams, new pitching machines and more?
We are able to provide these improvements through our fundraising
activities and are in need of committee members to move these efforts
forward. In addition, we need volunteers to help with our amazing Day
of Champions event that occurs on the last Sunday of the season. In the
past, we’ve had silent auctions, a bouncy house, coach dunk tank,
mechanical bull, championship games, and more. If you are willing to
help with Fundraising and/or Day of Champions, please contact our
Volunteer Coordinator, Mary Dietrich, today. Please help Northside continue to be a fun and exciting place to play baseball.